Graduation May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12. We got a call from my brother Bob who was staying in the same hotel, but did not know that previously. We met them downstairs at the continental breakfast; Bob, Erin and son Nathan.

We got over to the college about 8:20 and parked the cars. As we walked toward the auditorium, we met my brother Joe who lives in Los Angeles. Then we took a few photos before going in.

Bob and Joe Cavalli and me.

Nathan, Bob and Erin

The Leonards had found seats on the right side of the auditorium so we all sat there.

At nine o'clock the faculty and graduates filed in. After that, two Marines carried in the US and Christian flags and placed them on the platform behind the graduates. That was a special touch. Both men are students of the college.

The College Choir came up and sang a song about We Are Not Ashamed to be called a Christian. It was a very powerful song

A couple of the College Ensembles sang specials also. They were a very coordinated, sharp-looking group of young people; a very pleasant change for what you see at the mall.

Pastor Chappell preached on Acts 6 about Men of Faith like Stephen. He was a man full of faith, the Holy Ghost and power. Faith is the deliberate confidence in God whose ways we will not always understand.

The man of faith's message was filled with the Word, he was fervent in opposition and focused on Christ. His manner is full of grace and truth in balance. He has grace under pressure, Acts 6:15. Stephen died without hate, asking God not to lay that sin to the charge of the people killing him. Then Pastor said that Saul was watching how Stephen died and it affected him on the Road to Damascus. Someone is always watching. Pastor charged the students saying, "You don't owe the flesh anything. You owe God everything." Be not ashamed.

The diplomas were then handed out by degree, starting with Secretarial Science and ending with Master of Religious Education in Christian Education, which was Peter's degree. These people got a special colored hood put on by one of the professors.

Then after all the diplomas were handed out there were several special awards given. One was to a young man named Grant Dean who graduated with a degree in Music. He apparently had some struggles and tough times which everyone knew about at the college. Peter said he is autistic, but not severely.

Afterward everyone filed out and we eventually found Peter and Johanna and took plenty of pictures .

Cavallis, Wards, Johanna and Mr. and Mrs. Sisk,

Mom, the grad, and Dad

Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Sisk, Johanna, Peter
Dr. Sisk, Mr. Leonard.

Uncles and Nephews

After we decided to eat lunch, at this time it was about 1:30, we all got into cars and drove to the Sizzler Steakhouse in Palmdale, near our hotel. I think there were 16 of us after the Leonards joined us. Henry and Joe split a rack of BBQ ribs, several of us had salads, others had chicken sandwiches and hamburgers. We ate, stayed and chatted until after 3:00 pm. We had asked the waitress if they had a birthday special and she brought out a sundae and we all sang Happy Birthday to Peter. I think he was a bit embarrassed.

We all left; my brother returned to California, Johanna and Teresa were taken back to campus to pack up and the rest of us hung out in our hotel room just chatting until Bob and Erin had to leave about 5:00 pm to return home. It was really good to see my brothers after so long a time. Perhaps we can do it again in two years when Teresa graduates. God is good, all the time.

Mother's Day May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day at Independent Baptist Church. There was a good crowd of people; many new faces, some familiar old ones and a good time of getting reacquainted. Pastor’s granddaughter and another young girl sang “My Mother’s Gentle Love” for the moms. It was so sweet. Corsages were given to the oldest moms, ages 87 and 86, the one with the most children present in church (7) and the ones that came the farthest (a lady from Germany and me).

Pastor Creed preached on three mothers of the Bible: Jocabed, Hannah and Mary. Each was willing to be used of God as a behind-the-scenes influence on their children.

My sons, Matthew and Joe are active in the church, serving in the bus ministry, Reformers Unanimous and media. It was so good to see people again and meet some new folks.

I received this from son Joe at the end of the day:

Mothers and Fathers

There are two days in a year
That we set aside to honour
The ones that God did choose
To bring us into this world.

She’s shown us how to love,
To serve with humility and grace,
Submitting to those in authority
While patiently running the race.

By them we’ve been so dearly loved
Before we were even born
Because God put it in their hearts
But to care for us as their own.

He’s taught us how to lead,
To prepare, to protect and provide
For our family and for others
And to forever in God’s Word abide.

So as these days come by
Sincerely thank them for
Sacrificing all that they have
Sweetly loving them in return.

Steve and Joe are the poets in the family. It was a good day all around.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This morning, Matthew, Joe and I drove to Dulles Airport so we could fly out to LAX and then go to West Coast. Our early morning flight was on time on Virgin America; the first time I've flown that airline and I do like it. We landed at LAX about 10:30 a.m. Henry and Sara were due in from Narita about 11:00 a.m., and the Leonards were already there from Chattanooga. They rented a car. Stephen came out on Monday and got a hotel room in Palmdale, the John Jay Inn and Suites, where we are staying. Steve and the boys will room together.

Stephen met us at the airport. The deal was he and the Leonards would drive us all back to Lancaster. However, someone got a call from Henry saying that their Delta plane was delayed from Narita for five hours and would not arrive until about 2:00 p.m. The Leonards called from the car rental place. We decided to let Matthew and Joe ride with them out to the college and Steve and I would wait. And we did. Their plane got in later in the afternoon and we found each other. Steve rented a car called Focus, pretty nice, new and spiffy. We loaded everything and drove out to the college first as there was a dinner at 5:00 p.m. for the parents and grads.


We met the Leonards for the first time and they are really nice folks. Johanna and her sister, Amanda, were there, as well as Peter. I think Peter had to do some work, so he did not eat dinner with us. The meal was great, the preaching was great also and we met some folks from our home church and other grads from IBC.


The Baccalaureate service was preached by Tim Ruhl, a California pastor. It was really good; we laughed, we cried. We sat in the third row center and could see Peter and Johanna in the choir with the rest of the grads behind the speaker. After the service I met Rebecca who answers the phones when I call the college to pay the bill. Always nice to put a face to a name. I also met Rose and David Chovan. Her mom is Becky Mullinex my high school friend. Rose and Stephen shared a class at BJU and I met her when I visited in 2005. Her husband was graduating also.

We took photos of the families then headed for the hotel and checked in. The boys were on another floor and the three of us in a different room.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stephen had flown out to California ahead of us to help Peter get the car bought and all that stuff finalized. Peter decided on a maroon Toyota Camry LE with about 147,000 miles on it. It is supposed to be good for another 100,000 miles, so he should get some good use out of it. Our plan is to borrow the car for the summer since he will be staying at WCBC to work for the summer and does not need the car. We will pay the insurance on it through August and drive and maintain it while we visit family, friends and churches. The idea is to drive from California across the country to DC, then drive it back to California in August and give it to Peter. That is the plan at this point in time.