Friday, April 13, 2012

We went to a Michael’s Craft Store where Sara got herself a new cross stitch kit.   After this visit, we went to the Antietam Battle Field where the bloodiest day in American history took place.  Over 23,000 men died on that one day.  We will be doing a study of the Civil War soon.

The service tonight again was preached by Dr. Vineyard. My notes:
2 Corinthians 8:1-3  regarding faith promise giving
1) give in spite of poverty
2) it is a test of love
3) give according to our ability v.9
4) stewardship of God's money

The second service notes:
Psalm 40:8
The Will of God isn't always pleasant.
The Will of God is never impossible
The Will of God isn't for the faint hearted

Doing the Will of God  is the result of inward law
Doing the Will of God is the result of praying and asking God to show His will
Those who do God's will have a special relationship with God.  Matthew 11
Follow Christ, the perfect example.  He did the will of God.
Wholehearted dedication is required to do the will of God.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We went up to Frederick again to hear Dr. Jim Vineyard speak at the church there.  His message tonight was “Don’t Forget the Jew.”   Here are my somewhat disjointed notes:
Christians owe the Jews a debt of gratitude for the scriptures, the family unit and the humanity of Jesus Christ. Rom 3:1; Romans 9, 10; 11:1, Gal. 3-4.  The lesson we learn from Abraham is that he believed God,  Heb. 11:8.

Romans 4—remember the people you owe and pay your debt.  Gen. 12. We owe the Jews by being a blessing to the Jews.
1)   Call to Abraham – Gen. 11:27; 12:1.
2)   Carnality of Abraham  Gen. 1:10.  He endangered Sarah.
Our carnal traits cannot keep us from serving God.  Focus on God.
3)    Life is full of challenges.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

 We were able to attend our home church’s Wednesday Prayer Meeting this week.
This message was on Boldness in the life of a believer  Acts 4:13
1)   A boldness that was a result of being with Christ.  Peter and John had walked with Christ.  They had seen the miracles of Christ and they had seen the resurrected Savior.  Do I spend time with Jesus?
2)   A boldness that was revealed by trials.  Peter had gone through the struggles of forsaking Christ. Now the disciples are following Christ’s commission.  Now the disciples are focused on the souls of men.  This is a confidence-building process.
3)   A boldness that was resting in God’s promises.  These disciples feared God more than ma.  They spoke the truth from their hearts.  They praised God for His mighty works.  1 Cor. 1:27  God uses the weak things to confound the wise.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This morning Henry and I took the Metro into DC to go to the Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship to attend a lecture.  (  ) This is an extension of Hillsdale College in Michigan.  The college founded in 1844 and does not take federal monies and emphasizes the founding principles of our country.  The building itself was built in 1890 on the back side of the Senate office buildings.  It has a beautiful, wooded, old-library feel to the place.
This page is for signing up for the webcast, but it will notify you when the webcast is online.

The lecture was given by Professor Paul Rahe (  ) on the topic of Obamacare’s Assault on Religious Liberty.  He nailed it step-by-step how this administration and FDR’s in particular have circumvented the Constitution in order to change our civil society. There has been a massive shift of power from the individual family and community to central government.  The Catholic church for decades has endorsed social programs and now it’s coming back to bite them.  Morals have not been taught by the churches, of all stripes, for years and years.  The consequences are obvious now. 

One must ask, “How did we cope before________?” The answer is we looked to family when needs arose. Some are awakening to the train wreck that is ahead.  Let us pray it is not too late for the USA.

me standing in front of the Capitol Plaza Apartments
at 35 E Street NW Washington, DC.  This was my
first and second apartments after high school when
I moved to DC to work for the FBI. 

Union Station 

The flags out front of Union Station

Monday, April 9, 2012

We left the hotel about 9:00 a.m. and drove back to Glendale to the church.  Henry was asked to play the piano at the funeral for one of the faithful members.  It was a packed crowd, so Sara and I gave up our seats and helped out with the lunch preparations.  There could have been about 150 in the auditorium.  The nursery was moved to another building and chairs set up in there for church people.  Pastor preached a gospel salvation message.  Henry observed there was little reaction or response.

We left there about 1:00 p.m. and returned to Clinton to wash clothes and get ready for the next trip.

Sunday April 8, 2012

Resurrection Sunday
We were at the Frederick Baptist Temple this morning. Henry taught Sunday School with a resurrection theme= 9 nails and a boat—Noah.  Four nails and a furnace.  Shadrach and company.  One nail and Christ on the cross.  There is a Japanese saying about a protruding nail will be hammered down.  It was all about the protruding nail which is God.  He always stands out and makes people make a decision. 

Easter egg hunt for the kids

The choir at Frederick.

A very unique mail box at the John Deere shop. 

Isn't she adorable?

Henry talking to one of his former high school students, now 43.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

This morning I started at 8:00 a.m. making rolled sushi, salad style, and tempura shrimp.  It took two hours even though I did not make that much.  It was peeling and de-veining shrimp that took longest.  We got to FIBC about 11:00 a.m. in time for lunch.  There was way too much food—lots of rice dishes, black bean soup, jerk chicken, meatball subs and a pasta salad, among other things

The service this afternoon was about being committed to the cause.  Understand the great commission 1 John 5:11.  God makes all grace to abound  2 Cor. 12:9.  Get a vision and embark to do it. 

The three missionaries sang a special.
 Pastor Pat Creed said their faith promise giving was up to $30,000.  

We drove over to Frederick for our meeting tomorrow.  On the way we found Sisto Machine Shop, but got there about 5:30.  It was already closed and the owners were leaving.  Mr. Sisto was going to open the shop just for us, but we told him we would come back next week.  He lost the lease on the building, so is selling everything at reduced prices, then he will retire.  Check this out: