Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This morning Henry and I took the Metro into DC to go to the Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship to attend a lecture.  (  thekirbycenter.org  ) This is an extension of Hillsdale College in Michigan.  The college founded in 1844 and does not take federal monies and emphasizes the founding principles of our country.  The building itself was built in 1890 on the back side of the Senate office buildings.  It has a beautiful, wooded, old-library feel to the place. 

This page is for signing up for the webcast, but it will notify you when the webcast is online.

The lecture was given by Professor Paul Rahe ( Ricochet.com  ) on the topic of Obamacare’s Assault on Religious Liberty.  He nailed it step-by-step how this administration and FDR’s in particular have circumvented the Constitution in order to change our civil society. There has been a massive shift of power from the individual family and community to central government.  The Catholic church for decades has endorsed social programs and now it’s coming back to bite them.  Morals have not been taught by the churches, of all stripes, for years and years.  The consequences are obvious now. 

One must ask, “How did we cope before________?” The answer is we looked to family when needs arose. Some are awakening to the train wreck that is ahead.  Let us pray it is not too late for the USA.

me standing in front of the Capitol Plaza Apartments
at 35 E Street NW Washington, DC.  This was my
first and second apartments after high school when
I moved to DC to work for the FBI. 

Union Station 

The flags out front of Union Station

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