Friday, May 7

Friday, May 7

Today was bright and sunny. And hot eventually. I mostly did some running around. First stop was Motor Vehicles where I was able to renew my license! Yes! Now I am good to go for another five years. It was also a quick trip to DMV; about 40 minutes total which was really nice.

After that I went looking for the Lens Crafters so I can get new glasses. However, I did not find it in the mall where their website said there was a store. The name did not appear on the store directory so I went looking, but still did not find it.
Alas, after I got back to the local library I accessed the internet and was able to get the phone number of the store. I called. It was in the mall, I just did not go far enough. So I made an appointment for Saturday morning.

For lunch I stopped by Panda Express where Matthew works and got lunch. It is good food. He asked if I would go over to Wendy’s where Joe works and get a frosted twistee with Oreo cookies. I may have to try that sometime.

Later in the afternoon I stopped by the church and talked to Mr. Dove for a few minutes, since I did not talk with him the night before. Then I went outside and found Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Ricucci who were watching the late-stay kids on the playground. It was good to see them. Mr. Flowers was also there; he graduated from the college the night before. He is also about 60 years old, and did not intend to take classes and graduate, but was convinced to do so.

Thursday, May 6

Trip to USA blog

May 6, flights
Henry and Sara took me to the bus on Rokko Island to catch the bus to the Kansai Airport. It was a smooth trip, no traffic and we got there about 10:00 am right in front of the Delta Airlines ticket counter. The flight to Tokyo was on time, smooth, and took a little over an hour. There was plenty of time to get the plane to Detroit at gate 23. Due to mechanical problems, everyone had to move to gate 15—where all 300 of us waited for that plane to be prepared. We were to take off at 3:00 pm, but finally departed 3:45. The plane was full, there were several small children who cried frequently enough; the movies were really boring. I just saw them, did not hear them. Anyway, the food was good and I got a window seat.

It was one of the smoothest flights I have ever been on, PTL.
However, since we left late, it got to Detroit 30 minutes late which meant that I could not get the connecting flight departing at 3:15, so they rebooked me on a 5:15 flight.

We arrived at Reagan National Airport on time. After collecting luggage, I found the Metro and boarded the commuter train out to Branch Avenue Station in Maryland. I have not ridden the Metro since 1983 when I quit work downtown. I was impressed at the cleanliness and organization of the stations, albeit I thought they were a bit dark, but easily accessible with my heavy luggage. Arrived at the station about 8:00 and Matt picked me up about 15 minutes later.

We then went to the church where the graduation ceremony was just ending so we waited in the gym area where the reception was held.

The first one I met was Barbara Jo. Same as ever. Then Carlton who heads the Reformers Unanimous ministry. Dr. Creed and his wife came in later (he married Henry and me nearly 27 years ago). Talked to the Tellos, a sweet, faithful couple from Peru. He made our wedding rings. They could remember my face but not the name off hand, but recognized it when told. I met the Redigers, Ken and Mary Gill, Pastor Connor, the Strouds, David and Terry Long, soon going to the Caribbean to start a church. It was so good to see familiar faces.

I am staying in the basement apartment of Rick and Brenda Dove. It is really a beautifully-decorated place.

And so thus ended the first day of travel—about 26-28 hours for me. I think I will go to bed now.

One day to go

Wednesday was busy attempting to pack under 50 lbs of stuff and doing odd things to leave the house for three months. Still did not get it all done.

This morning I saw the first iris bloom in the yard. In the eight or so flower beds I have around the property, I counted almost 90 iris ready to bloom. I won't be here to see them this year. We always give a stem to the moms on Mother's Day, and I won't be here for that either.

The columbine and ajuba are just gorgeous also. The bees love the purple flowers. Maybe I should become a bee farmer?

My trip starts 5/6 in Japan at 8:00 am so I can catch a bus to the airport and begin 24 hours plus of travel, reaching the final destination of Clinton, MD, about 7:00 pm on Thursday. Wake me when it is over!

Two days to go

May 4, 2010. Busy day trying to wrap things up before the trip on Thursday. Managed to locate a special gift for someone. Stopped at a store in Arima for omiyage. The lady is one of Henry's English students and she insisted I take several items--for free! I fully expected to pay, but there was no convincing her. Golden Week makes the quaint little town with very narrow streets even more crowded. Do you know how difficult it is to find a T-shirt with kanji? Everything is in English or French. Anyway, located some items and have them laid out on a table ready to pack on Wednesday. After I do some necessary cleaning, sheet changing and laundry I will tackle the suitcase and get everything in for under 50 pounds.

Henry tilled up the garden space. Thank you! I was going to do it, but am so happy he did. No time to fit it all in. Scanned a bunch of photos for my book which is still not done even though I have been working on it (sorta) for two years. Now to decide on the format and how to publish it.

Tomorrow is another day. God is still good.