
Sometimes, admittedly, it gets weary 
going door-to-door inviting people to church or passing out tens of thousands of flyers, or witnessing, or holding English classes, with very little visable results, like someone coming to church, getting saved, baptized and involved.  As one pastor said while I was in the States recently, "The Japanese are not exactly falling out of the trees to get saved," to which I replied, "Wouldn't that be nice!"
However, we have been here nearly 25 years and are still planting those seeds that prayerfully will come to fruition someday.

Meanwhile, at my home church in Maryland, the lady on the right, Mrs. Z told me that 20 years ago or so (on our first furlough) Henry and I discipled her.   I honestly to not remember that.   It is good to see people continuing in the Lord.  

In the picture below, the ladies seated were at Independent before I got there in 1979.  The man standing on the right sent his daughter on the church bus from Suitland that I was working on and he and his entire family came to church, got saved and baptized and the parents are still there.  There was another man named Carlton that told me that he rode the church bus on the Suitland route about the same time--1981-82, got saved, baptized and is still there.  Wow, what a blessing.   Keep those Buses rolling! 

God sometimes sends people to just encourage us to keep going.  It did my heart good to hear these people are still faithful and serving God.  To Him be the glory!  

Sara is 18!

The last of our six offspring turned 18 at 1:18 pm, Japan time on June 11th.  It was a beautiful day and we did the usual Saturday activities, including door knocking in the afternoon.   Sara wanted to eat out, so we went to a favorite ramen restaurant in the area.  Good food and reasonably priced.  The place seats just 20 people and is always busy when we go, even at 6:00 pm, although it's mostly men who eat there. That's gyoza or pot stickers on the plate, Henry's stuff on the right.  The containers on the left include seaweed and a sauce for the gyoza.   The bowl of ramen is really enough for two people and is loaded with veggies like sprouts and green onion slices; filling and delicious.

We had birthday Sunday on the 12th with Sara as the only June birthday.   Happy Birthday!