Some photos of the new place in Ono Shi

 This is the bedroom.  We put the dresser and the back of my desk at the far end to make a wall between my sewing area.  It's much smaller than the previous place, but do-able.

  This is looking from the other end.  Closets are on either side of the steps.  

More photos to be posted soon.   


Elorie Carol Ward born on pi day 3/14/21


Peter, Jewel and Elorie one day old 

         Hi, Elorie!  Arianna got to meet little sister for the first time.  

  Snuggles and kisses for baby sister

Peter and little ladies

  Mom and two daughters

 Sleeping angel

 Elorie asleep in the sun

 Sisters  feet 

Catching some rays.

Morning fog in Ono

   This fog was all over the Ono area where we live early in the morning--before 9:00 AM.  It was really beautiful.   As we drove past the rice fields you could see the mist rising from the ground--really awesome.  


Granddaughter #5 is here!

    Elorie Carol Ward was born on 3/14 about 1:00 PM in Nebraska, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. Peter and Jewel are the happy parents and little Arianna is excited to see her baby sister. Everyone is doing fine.