Friday, July 23, 2010

Henry worked on Matthew's computer getting it updated while at the Library. It took several hours to do and Henry upgraded his virus software and some other stuff. Neither of us rode the bus for VBT tonight; I was plumb tired and had to do some packing. It is still up in the air about our return to California as we did not hear from Peter yet.

  While I was at the library at a table, there was a young black teen sitting at the next table. His tutor comes in, an older black lady, to help him with some project. After a few minutes a young black boy, probably about 12, comes up to them and asks if he could have a dollar to get something to eat from the vending machine. The other teen starts to pull out his wallet. Then the teachers says, "Wait a minute, wait a minute. Do you know him? Do you know me? How can you ask a stranger for money? Don't you feel ashamed?" I worked hard for my dollar. Why should I give it to you?" This was all said in a low whisper, she was not loudly chewing him out. The boy just mumbled something, said sorry, and moved on. I was going to commend the teacher later, but some friends came in and she left with them. I wanted to applaud her for telling the kid it was wrong to panhandle. More than once one our trip we have had people ask us for money so they could get something to eat. Adults. We would take them to a place and buy them something, but not give them money. They did not want that; just the money. No wonder kids are not ashamed to do just as their parents. 

  At VBT tonight I talked with one young girl and she prayed to ask Jesus in her heart. I told her aunt later and she said the girl had been asking questions. Pray for Laniyah, 6, to grow in her Christian life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We had follow-up doctor appointments today and were told our blood test results which were pretty good for Henry; I had high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which is nothing new, so we got prescriptions for those problems.

The Long family invited us over for lunch of turkey, potatoes and carrots; really good, too. We then talked for a time exchanging missionfield stories. The Longs were in Nigeria for several years and are about ready to go to Trinidad in a few weeks; They need their house to sell as quickly as possible

We rode the bus for VBT again tonight and got back early. However, I did have a coughing fit/asthma attack after I swallowed a mouthful of water. I turned all red, tried not to make a scene, so most people did not know I was having a problem.
There were 16 on the bus tonight plus workers, the total number of kids attending was down.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We went to Woodlawn Baptist Church in Bowie, Maryland.

 Pastor Tyson is a former student of Henry's when he taught high school. They exchanged some stories; it was funny. One of the questions Henry was always asked at school was, "May I go to the restroom?" Henry would reply, "Let me think about that for a second. No!" Pastor said he has used that line on his kids and could not remember from where it came. Now he knows. Mrs. Tyson was happy to finally meet Henry since her husband talks a lot about him.

Henry preached another message on A Cup of Cold Water and this night three people came forward to get saved. That was worth the late service. The people of Woodlawn are active, dynamic, diverse and growing. One of the families was on The Extreme Makeover program this year.

It was a blessing to see this church and its people actively serving God and getting rewarded for it in this life. It is also good to see former students still serving God and enjoying it.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vacation Bible Time again was in the evening; this time I rode the bus with Henry on Matthew's route. We made some song charts that can be used more on Sunday than this week. Matthew was a baby when he rode on the bus years ago; now he is a Captain of his own route.

There were 18 kids on the bus plus the workers and we got back 10 minutes late. Tomorrow Matt will have to leave earlier. Anyway, after the games, story and preaching, I was able to lead a young 12 year-old girl to the Lord. Her name is Kim and she rode Matt's bus. Please pray for her spiritual growth and that her parents would let her get baptized. She has been coming on the bus for some time.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Today Jackie went to work about 6:30 a.m. and we said our goodbyes. They were really a blessing to us. We got everything together and packed and left about 8:30 a.m. Joe got a hug out of Sara and a "Bye". Amazing how she does not say much at all to anyone. 
We opted to drive around New York City and took Western routes through Jersey and Pennsylvania. Beautiful country.  There was a storm brewing in New York; the skies were amazing.

We were going slowly through one town because of traffic and I noticed a quilt shop, so we had to stop. The Quilted Cat sold Webkins stuffed animals that Sara collects, and she bought one of the cats. I found some floral fabrics and one with little ladybugs on white, as well as some pre-printed Bible verses that I can turn into wall hangings and quilts. It helped that there was a 20% sale, also.

We got back to Clinton about 5:30 p.m., just in time for Vacation Bible School at 7:00 p.m. Henry joined Matthew on his bus route to help him. He could use some dependable workers. There were bunches of kids at VBS, about 80 plus the workers and counselors. I was asked to be a counselor and at that time I talked to two young girls about their salvation. They did not seem to grasp that they were sinners, so I did not asked them to pray but gave them a tract to take home. Perhaps later this week they will fully understand.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Church today was at the River Valley Baptist Church in Ansonia, about 5 minutes from where we stayed. They had purchased a former bank building and renovated it and you would not know it used to be a bank. There are several classrooms and a large auditorium and baptistery.

Henry taught the adult Sunday School lesson then Pastor Camp preached the morning service. The people were really friendly and some had told us they were praying for us for many years. About seven years ago this church bought each of us Wards a new Bible. They have been a blessing to us through the 20 years they have faithfully supported us in Japan. One of the kids' classes had been collecting pennies and offerings for us and praying for us every week. It is really encouraging to see and hear this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We drove from Cambridge, Mass., to Mystic, Connecticut, to see the Aquarium there. It proved to be a rather hot day and over half the place was outdoors. We first saw the beluga whales swimming with their sweet smiles in the huge tank. We also saw the penguins from Africa being fed. They are a small one compared to others we have seen. The indoor aquariums were OK; there were lots of different fishes and a couple of touch pools and plenty of kids that did not want to be there with their parents (tired and grumpy little ones). We left there about 2:30 pm. 
We drove onto Derby where we went to the home of Joe and Jackie Horesco. They live in a spiffy 1930's house with hardwood floors and radiator heaters and a walk-up attic which is really a third floor. Joe is a cop of 30 plus years and currently is assigned to an elementary school. Can you imagine the necessity of having a cop on-site in an elementary school? He said the gangs are starting there, but he does not take anything from those who try to usurp his authority. The fact that he is about 6'3" is enough to intimidate anyone, let alone a 10 year-old. He teaches a D.A.R.E class attempting to discourage the kids in getting involved in drugs and such.