New parking lot! 2015

We f i n a l l y got our parking lot paved (took some time to save the money for it).  The company came one day to prep the space and the next day came to put down the asphalt.

Backhoe being unloaded. 

The parking lot ground was leveled and raised from back to the street, for purpose of rainwater runoff. 

 Truckload of gravel to level the ground

Backhoe working.

A truckload of dirt got stuck coming down that hill and not turning wide enough.  The back wheel lodged between the streets, suspended in air.  A large crane came and lifted it onto the street.

The path paved up to the handicap ramp. Yeah!

 From the second floor window

 This is the space between the back deck looking toward the front door steps.

 The steamroller rumbled along.  When it came right up to the house, it shook and rattled windows.  I thought it was an earthquake. Thankfully it lasted just a few seconds.

 The pavement around the front flowerbed the surface was raised about three inches and it really feels funny to be walking or driving on higher ground than before. It will take some getting used to.   :-)

Finishing and packing up to go home. 

View from the street.  Really looks so good.  My knees and joints are so grateful since pulling weeds in this area is now history!  Thank you, Lord, for your blessings.