Christmas and Birthday at Joe's house

The three sisters had a wonderful Christmas time opening gifts.  

Christin and Willow 

 The pink princess 

The purple princess. 

Matt came up for Willow's 2nd Birthday Party in January.  Below she is opening a big gift which turned out to be a basketball hoop.


Snow comes to Kobe

January 12 we had snow falling in the morning which accumulated about 1-2 inches and was about -4 C.  On our way to Ono I took some photos. 

This next two photos are actually the frozen creek below our house in Hatacho.  I don't recall it ever freezing before.  

Out the front door about 8:00 a.m. 

Snow was on top of the water on this river in Ono City, about 20 minutes from where we will live.  

These three are behind our house in Ono where our neighbor has a pit to burn debris.  It was still smoldering from Monday's burning so we added stuff to it like wood, some dried bamboo and the like.  


Progress on the Ono House

 The system bath installer is working on putting in the floor.  The tub is standing on the right side. 

The equipment needed.

Henry and Dan on ladders discussing the slanted ceiling in that part of the room.  They decided to make it straight across on the left side. 

 The tub is installed. 


Progress on the Ono house

These are January photos of the progress at the Ono house.  The first is the kitchen area with the floor covered with cardboard to protect the new flooring underneath.  

These that follow are the new system bath that was installed on 1/12, piece by piece.  Really nicer than I expected...

The entrance folds inward. 

There's room enough to stand and then get in the ofuro tub which would be filled with nice, hot water.