Miscellaneous stuff

 This little bird was hiding in the bushes while chirping at me.  It was very shy and it was difficult to get its photo. 
 These are full-size bananas.  Aren't they cute!!
 Sara has a baby praying mantis on her hand.
These ants were crawling up the hose and going into the mailbox. 
 Henry put a little frog in there hoping it would eat the ants, but it really just ignored them.  I think they came into the mailbox because of all the rain we had the previous two days.  They escaped with the eggs to higher ground.   However, they did meet their end shortly after this photo.

Blooming flowers

Here are some photos from the garden this year.

Pinkish calla lilly
The first gladiola; this one was white/pinkish.
Red rose, left, next to campion
This dark pink lily is about 4 feet tall. Beautiful dark red stamen.
Not sure what this is, perhaps an aster or a carnation.  I know this flower is also a quilt pattern, but I can't recall right now. 
The above lily with three blooms, one to go and one that is probably a dud.