Back Deck washing H

The back deck has needed a re-staining job for years.  Originally installed with not enough gap between the boards.  Over time some of the boards rotted.  Henry and a Mr. Miura took the redwood boards off, lined them up and scrub-washed them

All the boards off looking from the second floor. 

Mr. Miura taking out screws.

The weather has been hot lately, so it's good weather for doing this project.  Henry ordered stain and will get to re-staining probably the week of the 24th.   

A Bit of Nature in Kita Kobe

Male Japanese pheasant right out my kitchen window. Such a beautiful bird.

                                   Sunset cloud looks like a dog face to me.

This sign at a trash collection station in a neighborhood reads: " Please put the net over the trash.  Crows are above and look down and watch."
  Crows just love to peck at the plastic bags, take out the edible stuff, and leave a mess all over the street.  Even with a net sometimes, they find a way to get what they want.  
                                   Below:  Flowers from my garden in July

My favorite flower the iris..

                                                   White lilies