Friday, March 25, 2011

 Henry and Mark Herbster

This is the final day of the Bible Conference.  Mark preached this morning from Ezekiel 3:17 about being a watchman whose task it is to see and speak.  He is not to save the city, but to warn of danger.  The gospel tells us everyone is to preach the gospel, simply proclaiming what God has done for you.   Tell people they need to change course to go to heaven.  We are accountable for our own obedience.  It is not just the job of the pastors and missionaries.   Mark was encouraging in this message as he got many excited about sharing the gospel. 

Mike preached second on 2 Cor. 11:15 on being masters of ministry.
1)  The joy of ministry is to see people we have led to the Lord serve God on their own, continuing with strength and power.  2) the duty of ministry is to spend and be spent.  Keep telling the gospel to a lost and dying world.  3) the disappointment of ministry is true, but we need to press on  and keep telling people how to get saved.  It is not our job to save a person; we cannot.  It is out job to warn and tell and God will do the saving.  

At the end of the morning service, Matt told how he came to write Lord Send Laborers.  As he toured many foreign countries his heart was broken for the lost people and the song was written as a prayer for God to work in Matt's heart and send him to the foreign field if that is what God wanted.  He then led the congregation in singing that song in Japanese.  It was a very fitting end to a wonderful week.  

At the graduation service in the evening, several special songs were sung.  Matt Herbster preached the message.  First though, he gave Kato-san a Wilds Camp T-shirt.  He said it was the smallest one they had (it was too big for Kato-san).  Mind you, Matthew is 6'6" and Kato-san is about a foot shorter.  

Anyway the message was from Deut. 8:11 and warning us to beware not to forget God.  We forget God by acting if sin never happened.  when we live contrary to God's commands it means we have forgotten God.  When we are proud, we have forgotten God.  2 Tim. 10:17 says let him that glory, glory in the Lord.  We forget God when we are consumed with other gods.  Lastly, we need to teach our children, the next generation, about God or they will forget and that generation will be lost.  

Kato-san received his diploma and everyone stood and clapped.   Afterwards, there was a reception at the Bible School.


Next week we go to spring camp and will hear the Herbster brothers encourage the teens to stand for God.   May it be a blessing to everyone going.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isaiah Ogawa leading Saved by the Blood of the Crucified One---one of my favorites in both languages.

This morning Kato-san, the only graduate this year, preached from Isaiah 55:5.  I did not take notes in my Bible, so I do not remember what he spoke about.  His delivery was good and he will be effective as an assistant pastor at his home church. 

The singing was great, the spirit is good and God is moving.

Mark Herbster preached the second message this morning from Genesis 39 about Joseph and fleeing temptation.  He faithfully served his master and had a good testimony. Satan wants to ruin our testimony any way he can.  The time of temptation is when we are strong.   The truth of God is persistent, persuasive.  Joseph repeatedly told Potiphar's wife NO, daily.  Joseph had decided in advance that to sin against God would be worse than doing any sin.  He recognized the consequences of disobedience.  "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"  When the wife finally caught him, he fled and left quickly.  Run as fast as you can in the other direction.    Joseph is an excellent example of putting God first and asking Him to help in time of need.

Ron White preached in the evening service from Isaiah 43:18 which admonishes us not to remember the former things, neither consider the things of old. 
1)   The promise is for now.  God is getting ready to do something.  We are not to be discouraged about what has not happened in the past, as far as the work here in Japan is concerned.  God is ready to do a new thing.  Phil. 3:13 and 2 Cor. 5:17.

At the end of the service, all the graduates of KIBBS who were in the service sang the final medley.  They had NO practice.  Jenny Harris played piano and Ron led.  

March 23, 2011

David Harris interpreted for Mike Herbster

The first to preach this morning was Mike Herbster, the younger of the twins,  who preached from 2 Tim. 6:11-12 about being a man of God. 

First we must flee sin—the danger of sin—stay away from it.
Second, follow the things of God:  righteousness and godliness, faith, patience, endurance.  Thirdly, fight the good fight of faith with the right spirit, follow His steps. 

Matthew Herbster also preached again this morning out of 2 Tim. 3:10-17.  The point was that we should expect persecution as a Christian.  Paul admonished Timothy to remember what he was taught by his mom and grandmom.
Persecution involves these:

1)   Purity is given by God  2 Peter 1:20
2)   It is Profitable, beneficial and valuable  Isaiah 55:5
3)   Purpose of persecution is to make us perfect

This is the theme song of the Conference written by Matthew Herbster.   It is called Lord Send Laborers.  It is a bit shaky as I was trying to keep Pastor Hiraoka in the camera site.  He is a very energetic song leader! 

March 22, 2011

This week is the KIBBS Bible Conference.  The Herbster Trio are the speakers at this annual event at the Bible School at which Henry teaches English.  This year there is one graduate, Kato-san.  The videos I will upload are just of some of the music sung there, all in Japanese, of course.  You will probably recognize the hymns.

The oldest of the three brothers, Matthew, spoke this evening with Ron White translating.  His text is Nehemiah 1:1-4.  A brief outline follows.   The main point was now is not the time to stand still or retreat.  

1)   Compassionate man.  Nehemiah saw the need of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. He was a man of prayer and supplication.  When he was told of the condition of Jerusalem, he wept.

2)   Consistent man.  2:1  As the king’s cupbearer he was never sad in front of him.  The king took notice and asked the reason.  Then Nehemiah told him and God moved on the king’s heart and he provided what was needed for the rebuilding, plus safe passage to Jerusalem.

3)   Courageous man.  Somebody needs to do it.  He had a plan and put it to work. Even in the face of constant opposition from two people in particular, he did not quit and kept working until the work was done.

4)   Contageous man.  He was excited about the work.  He started praising God.  He was persistent.  His excitement got everyone motivated.

   The title of the song is Keep the Race Before Us sung my Mark, Matthew and Mike Herbster