March 22, 2011

This week is the KIBBS Bible Conference.  The Herbster Trio are the speakers at this annual event at the Bible School at which Henry teaches English.  This year there is one graduate, Kato-san.  The videos I will upload are just of some of the music sung there, all in Japanese, of course.  You will probably recognize the hymns.

The oldest of the three brothers, Matthew, spoke this evening with Ron White translating.  His text is Nehemiah 1:1-4.  A brief outline follows.   The main point was now is not the time to stand still or retreat.  

1)   Compassionate man.  Nehemiah saw the need of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. He was a man of prayer and supplication.  When he was told of the condition of Jerusalem, he wept.

2)   Consistent man.  2:1  As the king’s cupbearer he was never sad in front of him.  The king took notice and asked the reason.  Then Nehemiah told him and God moved on the king’s heart and he provided what was needed for the rebuilding, plus safe passage to Jerusalem.

3)   Courageous man.  Somebody needs to do it.  He had a plan and put it to work. Even in the face of constant opposition from two people in particular, he did not quit and kept working until the work was done.

4)   Contageous man.  He was excited about the work.  He started praising God.  He was persistent.  His excitement got everyone motivated.

   The title of the song is Keep the Race Before Us sung my Mark, Matthew and Mike Herbster

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