Retaining walls

Japan is a small island nation with lots of mountains, as the saying goes.  In order to build highways through these mountains, retaining walls are expertly constructed with cement and huge bolts.  These are rather steep mountains.

More PRs along the way

The rest stops have the nicest powder rooms anywhere--rivaling expensive hotels.  Here are some more photos.

Hand washing area 
Each stall was dimly lighted, the center sink appears to be also lighted. 

Outside the above rest stop was this vehicle:

The next stop two hours later
Boys' Day samurai helmet on the vending machines.

Entering City Limits signs along the road

During our travels to and from the Tokyo area, the highway had signs depicting the City Limits of the various places we traveled through.  Each had a unique artwork for that place.
Shiga Prefecture

Ayase City
Isehara City
Oi Machi
Fuji City
Nagoya City
Kameyama City 
Waka City
Enterin Hyogo Prefecture--home!

Vehicle Art

This is a tour bus
Crab anyone?

Tempura shrimp on wheels!! Yumm!!

 A lavender dump truck