Graduation rehearsal dinner

Henry was part of the graduation ceremony from Great Plains Baptist College in Nebraska.  After the practice we went to Denny's for dinner.  There were about 30 people at several tables.   The first one is all my children that were able to come:  Teresa, Sara, Jewel, Peter and Matthew

Here are pictured Henry, Pastor Reeves, Hope Reeves, Mrs. Reeves, Mrs. Tyson, Pastor Tyson and daughter

Cranberry cobb Salad 

Pastor Reeves' truck

Link to a video

This link is a video taken at the Missions Conference at Mountain Lake IBC at the beginning of the month.  The missionaries sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" .  While Rebecca was signing the first verse in every language, we sang first in English, then Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, then the last verse in English,   Cut and paste the link.

The film is not in focus, but the audio is good.  Sounds to neat to hear God's praise in several languages.  ♪♬♩♩♫

May 18, 2017, 63 years young

I love the flag, especially big ones

Jewel bought a variety of cheesecakes for the birthday celebration.

She gave me some hair clips, which I really like.  Henry gave me two new flannel nightgowns, one pink, one blue, plus a pretty red necklace.  Thanks for celebrating my special day. 

May 17-18, 2017

Wednesday Henry and I went out to do some errands like go to the post office, then to the photographer to order wedding pictures from Jewel and Peter's wedding (finally).   While in the mall, we stopped in at JC Penny which was having a going-out-of-business sale.  I found a nice pink sweater for under $7.  Henry, however, bought a pair of slacks for $50; nice pants but a bit much.  They did not have the dress shirts he likes, so that's a disappointment.

Thursday, my 63rd, I went out to camp to help Peter in some cleanup.   I got the kitchen area in decent shape, wiped out all the cabinets, the freezer and fridge.    

Matthew and Sara got to Denver OK and are driving to North Platte.  They will stay in a hotel nearby. 

Jewel fixed spaghetti and meatballs and salad which was delicious.  Then she, Peter and Henry had to rush off to Bible class where Henry is teaching on Missions tonight.  When they return, we will have cheesecake in celebration of another birthday.  

Teresa is to fly in on Saturday.  It will be nice to see everyone and also watch Jewel finish Bible college. It will be enjoyable and busy at the same time.  

Pictures of old quilts

Years ago I made Stephen some quilts at different times.  He laid them out on the bed we slept in.

May 15-16

We drove to Indianapolis to see Dan and Charlene Rider and met them at her Mom’s house in Plainsfield.  Mom was out playing bridge with friends.  At 94, she is doing well, though we did not see her.  We had a nice lunch of lettuce wraps brought home by Dan; then we talked for an hour while watching the local squirrel scamper up the tree with nuts and go around the house to do it again.  

We left there about 3:30 to go to our next destination which was Des Moines, IA, to spend the night.   We stopped at a La Quinta Inn which was not the best thing going.  It could use a facelift. 

Tuesday, May 16, Stephen’s birthday

Today Stephen is 33 years old.  My, how time flies.  We drove from Des Moines to North Platte all day and arrived about 5:00 pm. 

Jewel has decorated this small apartment very nicely and has added the woman’s touch to the former bachelor’s pad. 


Mother's Day 2017

Sunday morning about 9:00 am we drove to Mannington, about 30 minutes away.  I set up the display table in the lobby while Henry got the video presentation set up with the people who handle that.  He taught Sunday School on the subject of “Walking in the Fear of God”. Then Pastor Bowman preached in the morning service.    There was a good crowd of people there for both services. 

 Pastor Camp and his family from Connecticut were in church this morning at the invitation of a member of the church.  We last saw them in 2010 and he has since resigned that church.

Pastor Bowman, Henry and Pastor Camp 
After services, we drove about 30 minutes in another direction to a different restaurant.  This time it was of a Greek flavor.  Customers line up at the grill/cashier and give their order which is then prepared and brought hot to your table.  There’s a variety of meats, veggies and salads to choose from, all about medium-range priced.  For appetizers they brought out cut flat bread with either hummus or jalapeno dip.  You could refill your drink anytime.  The meal was very delicious and filling.

Then we returned for the evening service at 6:00 pm and Henry preached about “Beware of Blindness” in the spiritual life.