Birthday Twins

Clarity and Alora turned one on the 3rd! 

Alora maybe not so happy 

Twin cakes 

Clarity likes her hat--love that t-shirt! 

Dining area set for a party 

Notice she has no shirt--and is really enjoying her cake. I think this is Alora  

Clarity was a little more genteel in her cake eating 
We talked with Joe and Christin and they said both are starting to take some steps and have more hair than before.  They all are doing well.  God bless them. 

Fruits of the garden

These are the first crop of plums which was made into jam...

Red and white potato harvest plus some tomatoes

Part of the blackberry harvest--some was frozen and some was turned into jam, only I did not sift out the they get stuck in the teeth  :-) 

Kato City visit

We took a drive northeast of here to Kato City, just to look around.  It's about the size of Sanda City so there's plenty of people, business and shopping  :-) 

This is the end of the line for the Kobe Dentetsu train line that runs closest to our home near Okaba and Gosha stations

The train bells rang, gates were lowered and we waited a few minutes for the train to come.  The traffic was backing up.

Only ONE car on this train line..:-)  

This train car was parked at the station.  I think it is a restaurant inside.  This appears to be a drink dispenser.  And it is a purple car..very colorful.