Omaha Zoo and Children's Museum

We four took Arianna to the zoo in Omaha, a four=hour trip each way.  Made for a very long day.  

This windmill was at a rest stop and is made from scrap wood.  Maybe Henry will make me one  :)  

Arianna loved the fishes in the tanks.  

One of the rhinos 

A Madagascar critter and a beautiful blue bird 

Henry showing Arianna something. 

At the Children's Museum she went shopping first, then in the Medical section she was answering phones and going down slides and generally having a great time.  It's a nice hands-on place for kids, especially on a rainy day.  

North Platte Baptist Church

Arianna was not shy around us, and was always ready to pose for a photo

Mom found this table and chair set for $5 at a thrift store so Arianna could have tea with her bear friend 

Wednesday night, Peter was ordained to the gospel ministry. Pastor Reeves (and Peter's father-in-law) and Henry laid hands on him. Henry then gave the charge to Peter to preach the gospel  

Grandpa Reeves and Arianna blowing kisses.  She also gave me and Henry kisses.  

The Reeves and Ward grandparents with the little lady.  

Beautiful Nebraska sunset

May 20 to Nebraska

One of the many bars in Iowa along with hundreds of windmills,
most of which were not moving

A very happy water tower :-) 
This statue stood watch over a gas stop, but no name anywhere for this sentinel

May 19, 20, 2019 Nebraska

Many barns and miles of fields across the central plains  

Ryerson truck with its ad 

We saw two of these windmill blades being hauled on truck beds 

One windmill blades marked a rest stop in Nebraska 

After we got to Peter's house, I gave Arianna a bath. She was practicing swimming in the tub. 
Since we have been in North Platte, it has rained steadily with temperatures in the 40's.  Chilly, indeed 

Sunday, May 19, Genoa, Illinois

Today we were at the First Baptist Church in Genoa, Illinois  David and Debbie Coon have been here since 1991-1992.  He and Henry taught at IBC Academy in Clinton for several years. 

Jackie Davis, first born, Jessie Coon third born, Debbie and David, Henry and I