December 16,2012

Christmas at the Bread of Life Baptist Church, Kobe, Japan

Last quilts for 2012

Eight inch half-square triangles on the back of this one.  One way to use up material. 
The front is half-square triangles in greens with accent white and yellow.  The border is has Bible book names tan on tan.
This colorful baby quilt is about a meter square for a young newborn.  The backing is a world map and summer kimono fabric.
This did not turn out like it was supposed to, if only I was paying attention when I pieced it.  Rather than take the blocks apart and do it right, I did this arrangement.  These quilts will be given as Christmas gifts to new church members. Below is the backing and quilt label.

An accident and daikon

 Saturday Henry was inching along up in Sanda at a traffic light.  He thought the line was moving, but it wasn't and he hit the car in front of him, and that one hit the car in front of it.  The car now has a "scary" look about it--sort of like one of those evil bugs from the movies.  It still runs fine.  Our insurance does not cover this damage, but will cover the other two vehicles.  And we just had our contract renewed. 
On another note, our neighbor gave us this diakon, a large radish, that I use in soups and stews mostly.  It has a single "hair" growing out of the head.

Busy week ahead with passing out Christmas flyers, invitations to a cookie making party and a pizza party for the teens.  There's also a big lunch on Sunday, so that involves turkey and some of the fixings.  We will be stuffed.  Please pray for some visitors to come to these activities.  Merry Christmas!