what to do with Trash?

 After drilling and chopping out the Ono house bathroom, we took the rocks, bricks, etc., to a local Recycle place that collects all kinds of stuff.  We had to pay about $100 for them to take the small truckload of stuff  which they will sell to someone for fill dirt.  Here are some photos. We backed the small truck to this space where employees shoveled it out.  There was also a fork-type machine that tried to push it off using tarps. That did not go too well because of the heaviness.  

Construction at Ono continues

Henry is adding new walls to the kitchen area in late November.
This is the kitchen that needs to be completely redone:  new walls, counters, sink, floor.  

That is a new closet to the bedroom area.  

Pastor Saeki came and helped to knock out the ofuro (bathtub) area so a new system bath can be installed.  It had cinder block, concrete, rock; generally a big, heavy mess.  

Dan Gardner came up for a week and helped alot.  He suggested changing the stairs to the second floor room which made them straight up and wider with a gentler slope.  

Mr. Fukumoto painted the kitchen with a first coat of white.  That corner had water stains in the ceiling.  


This is    Miss Murakami playing the trombone.  She graduates next year from the Bible School here.  


All Are Welcome

 All Are Welcome is this year's theme song at Kato Baptist Church, written by Ron Hamilton and translated into Japanese by Henry.  This is not the entire song because the file is too large to upload, but one verse.  

We had 18 at a recent service in November.  Recently several African people have been coming.  They work at local Japanese factories.  They come from Cameroon, Nigeria, and Jamaica.  We have an international church in the making with Japanese, American and Brazilian nationals attending.   The owner of the building still comes every Sunday morning, sometimes with his wife.  We are praying they will get saved soon.