Kato City Baptist Church start

 We passed out 10,000 flyers announcing the opening service of the Kato City Baptist Church starting the first week of September.  I got lots of exercise walking different communities of my soon-to-be new home area and got tanned arms in the process; and lost about 1.5 kg.   Opening day was the 15th.

We had a dedication service on the 7th with over 45 Japanese and two American missionary families coming, including 6 Japanese pastors.  We sang some songs and showed a video presentation of the construction/reformation of the interior of the building that started in June.   Many people brought gifts of desserts/sweets, as is the custom, or flowers.  The church in Osaka gave us 5 new bibles and 5 hymn books; all a real blessing.

   Group photo of everyone

       About 12 kids were upstairs 

On the 15th besides Fukumoto-san, Henry and I (the core group), these folks came:  Fukumoto's grandparents from Osaka, about 90 minutes away.  Three men from around the area within about 15-20 minutes.  One man lives 5 minutes from the church and brought his 4-year-old son.  Little Eric was not used to me, so he wanted to stay with Dad instead of going upstairs to the kids' classroom.  He was baptized in a sister baptist church about 40 minutes from Kato City.   Another man we met a few weeks ago when we passed out flyers for a children's event (only one kid came with her mom then).  They have a bakery next to our bank in nearby Yashiro City.  His wife was not with him on the 15th.  The third man lives about 20 minutes from us and goes to the church Fukumoto's grandparents attend in Osaka. His name is Morimoto and he's a single guy and lives with his parents.  All these men are Christians.  No new people came as a result of the flyers.   Henry preached both services.  Our theme song is Ron Hamilton's "All Are Welcome", a catchy tune with a great message. 

At the 5:00 pm service, four people from Bread of Life BC came up and Mr. Morimoto returned.  We had some of the snacks afterward.  At our Thursday night service, Mr. Morimoto came again. 
   the afternoon service

Saturday, Henry and Mr. Fukumoto visited the men that came and were able to talk with them.  Mr. Morimoto said he was going to the Osaka church on Sunday.  :-(    They knocked on doors of about 40 homes near the church, but I don't think they actually talked to anyone.  

On the 22nd, it was just us three in both services.  Singing was a bit challenging with  just us, but we got to practice the theme song again and it will soon be memorized.  

It is the beginning of prayerfully, a good, solid church in Kato.