Arianna 2 days old and at Home

Peter and Jewel were able to check out of the hospital on Thursday the 25 and take the little one to her new home.  

All snuggled up--it is cold in Nebraska! 

Peter and baby on the quilt Grandma made for her  :-)  

Looks like they sat her in the high chair for a picture.   

The picture of peace and contentment.  

Arianna Noelle Ward has arrived

She arrived  January 23, 2018, at 11:20 AM, Central Standard Time in North Platte, Nebraska, weighing 6 lbs, 11 oz. and 19 inches.  The Reeves were there to welcome her to the world.  She is even waving to us in Hope's picture. Praise God for a safe delivery.  

Jewel and Arianna about 2 hours old here.  
New Mom Jewel and new Dad Peter  

Peter had lots of practice with baby sister Sara years ago...Maybe he forgot what it's like to hold a baby; his expression is one of maybe I'm new at this. 

Grandpa Bill Reeves

Grandma Jill Reeves
Uncle Buddy Reeves

Uncle David Reeves

Aunt Hope Reeves 

Arianna is waving to Grandma Jill 

That's a face anyone could love!