Missions Conference Mountain Lake

Seth Lunday at the piano, Rebecca and Jonathan Pape singing
Henry speaking at the Mountain Lake Baptist Church Missions Conference
Dr. Creed was the conference speaker.  It is always good to hear him preach.
The Faith Promise for the year was approaching $100,000 on the last day.  God is good.

These photos are of the lake side home at which we missionaries are staying. The owner let the church use this rent-free for the week.  It is so beautiful.  It has three floors and we are here with another family and a single man; we each have our own floor and share the kitchen/dining area. 

One of the many bedrooms each complete with separate bath

Pool table on the top floor 

Looking down to the middle floor with living room/kitchen

Living room area 


Kitchen.  The drawers are a non-slam variety--they automatically close gently. 

Flight 93

Pastor Leatherman took us missionaries up to Shanksville, PA, the sight of the crash of Flight 93 in 2001.  It was a very moving experience.  

This leads to an observation deck overlooking the crash site.

 It's a huge open field that used to be a strip mine. 

Video recordings of the news looped about the events of that morning. 

Local first responders 

Debris from the crash

Photos of all the 40 passengers and crew that died

The crash pit 

The rock is where the plane landed.  No one is allowed to go there.

One of the men that tried to thwart the terrorists.  His wife wrote the book about Todd called "let's Roll"  a very good read.

What you can barely see is "and her unborn child" 

Wall of Remembrance 

This is a very fitting memorial.   The Park Service did a good job in capturing the events and tragedy of the day.  May we never forget.  

West Virginia May 1-2, 2017G

Frederick County Water Tower

It did not say why this was an historic landmark. 

Bunny face made of hay rolls 

George, the resident groundhog in Joe's backyard