Saturday, November 3, 2012

Henry went out with Peter and knocked some doors, after a visit to Matthew and Joe to find out what was happening there (not much).   In the evening Henry, Sara and I went with Peter to the other nursing home he is involved with and he preached a good message. There were about 20 people brought from their rooms to the day room where the service was held.  Good practice for a future church planter.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Today we did some needed shopping for items we cannot get in Japan like circular saw blades.  WalMart is a good place to shop for things and I did find some on my list.  We stopped by Panda Express to see Matthew so we could talk with him a bit.  Bought some egg rolls for a snack—yummy. 

This evening Henry went with Peter to the church and the Reformer’s Unanimous meeting and got back here after 10:30 p.m.  It was a rather uneventful day, which is OK. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No alarms went off at 6:00 a.m. and I slept to nearly 8:00 which is something I don’t do.  Felt good.  We had Cheerios for breakfast, a real treat.  Peter came by after 10:00 so we could go to the bank and make a deposit.  Then we went to Oxon Hill to try and vote early, but upon driving by the long line (about a three-hour wait), we decided to vote the absentee ballots we had received previously.  We got them printed out and voted, then mailed them in on Friday.  Hopefully it will count.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We got up about 3:30 a.m. to catch a flight at 8:00 a.m. heading to Maryland.  The flight was uneventful and we landed about 3:40 p.m.  Peter came to pick us up and we drove south and east to Charlotte Hall, MD, where we were at Victory Baptist Church.  Pastor Kyner is a long-time friend and it was good to see him again.  Henry showed the presentation and preached. 

The street where we stayed in Clinton.

Following the service we chatted with Pastor for a time then left and stopped at Chick-fil-A for ice cream   yum!  Peter took Thursday and Friday off so he could drive us around as needed.  We rode back to Clinton to stay with the Gills like we did in the spring.  When we knocked on the door they greeted us with a bowl of candy (trick or treat!)  good to see long-time friends again.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today we were in the 6th Grade class and they were just as excited as the first graders.  They were receptive and listened attentively. 
The missionary wives were hosted by Mrs. Chappell at their home.  We were served a simple brunch then most everyone made candied apples with all the toppings for their families.  The home is beautifully decorated and in the backyard there is a pen with a pony, two goats and chickens, a shed that looks like a barn and a play area for the grandkids. 
We went back to the campus and waited for the men to finish their lunch.  Pastor took everyone on a tour of the just-completed west wing of the auditorium; a beautiful place that will eventually be restructured to make a wrap-around balcony for additional seating.  After that the missionaries stood around and were just talking to each other. An hour later we are still talking. 

We returned to where we were staying and were able to actually drive the car Roy Roger’s owned…a 1979 Mark V, white, really long and runs beautifully.  Henry and I both drove it a few miles around the church. 

Sara had been feeling poorly since yesterday and she actually had a slight fever so we two did not go to the evening service, but were able to watch it live streamed on the internet.   Wish we could have been there.   It was a really good conference and such a blessing to see hundreds and hundreds of people excited about serving God. 

October 29, 2012

This morning we were in the 1st grade class giving a short devotion on Japan.  Henry taught the kids some simple Japanese phrases and the B I B L E in Japanese.  This is always a fun age group to teach.  They ask some of the funniest questions like “Do you hit the Japanese on the head with the Bible if they don’t respond?”   No, that’s not how it works.   Then there’s always questions about animal life, flowers and the like. 
At 10:00 a.m. was chapel in the main auditorium where the entire college attends, so the main floor was filled.  Many students responded to the invitation.  It was a great service.

After lunch the missionaries and some college students went out door knocking.  Another missionary wife, Sara and I were on one side of the street and Henry and the husband were on the other side.  We three leap-frogged knocking doors.  Sara was able to talk to at least two people and invite them to church; I think it was her first experience.  Some people were not home, some said they had a church and  two that I personally talked to were interested in coming to church.  One man I lead to the Lord and I pray he made a good decision (meaning he prayed the sinner’s prayer just because I asked him.)  His name is Jerald and I’d ask you pray he would come to church.  His name was given to the staff here who will do follow-up work.

Monday night’s service opened with the 100+ voice choir singing Hallelujah to the Lamb with full orchestra, uplifting music and words.  It was almost time to get Pentecostal.  Whoa! That was good!  The service itself was an ordination of four men from Lancaster who met the requirements to be ordained into the ministry.  Pastor Chappell preached a powerful message directed to these men to contend for the faith and preach the gospel without apology.   This link is to the same song sung a few years ago.

October 28, 2012

Sunday we went to an extension ministry about 70 miles from Lancaster.  A married couple and a group of college students travel there every Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday to work at the church.  There were about 25 people that came for the services.  Henry taught the little kids’ Sunday school, then preached in the morning and evening services.  

 For lunch we all went to a local restaurant Maria Callen…something.  Excellent; I had just a cobb salad and did manage to finish it about 30 minutes later.  The students had huge meals then ordered dessert; some had the famous pie (it was tasty looking) and an ice cream concoction in a large glass sundae glass.  These also were finished.  Amazing how much food college kids can put away.  The married couple have been there nearly two years and are praying about whether to go there permanently as pastor. 
We drove back to Lancaster and arrived about 10:30 p.m.  It was a long and tiring day, but really good to see these students work together to help the church get on its feet again.