Sight and Sound Production of Samson

Five of us Wards went to Pennsylvania to see the new production of Samson.  The photos here are pre-production so they are not copyrighted.  It gives you an idea of the sets and costumes.

The play gave a different perspective on the Samson story, one that showed God's grace in  Samson's life though he made many bad choices, even though his parents tried to bring him up the way God wanted them to.    Samson was responsible for the choices he made, especially about the women he loved.  In the end he was allowed to give God glory by dying with the Philistines and killing more then than he had in his life.   An example of God's abundant grace to us sinners.
In the lobby
Much of the scenery was of a rocky wilderness.  Amazing how these huge pieces were moved about. 
This guy was a magician 
A video effect on the background sky showed "birds" flying that formed the word Samson
Here the magician rides a live camel
These three guys were the grunting comic relief 

May 27, 2016

Christin came and took me to Purceville, VA, where Web Fabrics is located.  Marvelous shop with oodles of fabrics and ideas for quilts of all kinds.   Along the way I took photos of American flags that were everywhere for Memorial Day.  I love the flag.. and our military :-)

These flags were placed at an intersection.

The Web Fabrics shop 

There's a flag hanging from that crane

Christin's Graduation

There were about 700 graduates from Prince George's Community College at the 6:30 evening ceremony held at the Equestrian Center.  We found seats on the front row, but behind where Christin sat.   Christin will now have to take a test to get her license to practice nursing before she can be employed.  This will happen in June.
Steve insisted on wearing sunglasses, Matthew, Jewel, Peter and Joe.  
Christin in auburn hair marching in
The Graduate --Congratulations!  
The two new Mrs. Ward's 
My four sons, Peter, Steve, Matt and Joe -- so proud of all of you! 

May 26, 2016

Today, Peter, Jewel, Matthew and I went downtown to see the Air and Space Museum.  On the way we stopped at a new memorial I had not seen before for Disabled Veterans.  There were a couple of walls with inscriptions and a big star with each of the 5 points marked with a service branch emblem.

Many colorful ice cream trucks were around
One of the many hanging exhibits at Air and Space

WWII and Korean Memorials

Two wars that are not taught in public school American history classes these days.  It is sad to see all the kids on school trips, dressed in matching T-shirts, that do not really appreciate all that their grandfathers did to give them the freedom they take for granite.  My Dad fought in the Philippines and served in Japan after the end of the Great War.  I won't ever forget the sacrifices made so that I can enjoy what freedoms we have left in the USA today.  Thanks, Dad.

Freedom Is Not Free 

WWII Memorial Entrance 
Victory at Sea and Victory on Land
FDR's speech on Pearl Harbor
Americans Came to Liberate,
Not to Conquer,
To Restore Freedom 
And to End Tyranny

And that is the reason we have fought so many wars on foreign soil.  

May 25, 2015

It was sunny, high in the 80's today--good day for sightseeing!

Peter and Jewel came into town on Tuesday afternoon.  We met them at Panda Express this morning and headed over to Christin's former apartment to finish cleaning up.  Her dad was with her.  We just cleaned the walls, bathroom and cleaned the rug one last time.  It's spiffy clean now.  Then her dad offered to treat us to lunch at Panda Express so we five went over there.

Matt was busy, as usual, running the cash register along with a couple of cooks and a couple of servers.  It is a very popular place, especially among the military.  Many members came in uniform; always good to see them.

That's #2 son Matthew at the register.
Jewel, Joe, Christin and her dad waiting to be served
Matthew gave Jewel a package of coloring pages so she and Peter proceeded to color one.

We then parted ways with Christin and her dad.  We three then drove downtown to do some sightseeing.  We found a parking spot in front of the Washington Monument that was free--something rare in DC

I love ice cream!!
The Lincoln Memorial 
Peter and Jewel in front of the reflecting pool
Entrance to the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial 

Sunday May 22, 2016

It is always good to be in our home church, Independent Baptist Church of Clinton, Maryland.  There are some really faithful people there and it does a heart good to see them still serving.

Mr. Ercole, left, and Mr. Sanders have been there over 35 years. 
Mr. Dove has lead the choir, among many other things, for over 42 years.