May 25, 2015

It was sunny, high in the 80's today--good day for sightseeing!

Peter and Jewel came into town on Tuesday afternoon.  We met them at Panda Express this morning and headed over to Christin's former apartment to finish cleaning up.  Her dad was with her.  We just cleaned the walls, bathroom and cleaned the rug one last time.  It's spiffy clean now.  Then her dad offered to treat us to lunch at Panda Express so we five went over there.

Matt was busy, as usual, running the cash register along with a couple of cooks and a couple of servers.  It is a very popular place, especially among the military.  Many members came in uniform; always good to see them.

That's #2 son Matthew at the register.
Jewel, Joe, Christin and her dad waiting to be served
Matthew gave Jewel a package of coloring pages so she and Peter proceeded to color one.

We then parted ways with Christin and her dad.  We three then drove downtown to do some sightseeing.  We found a parking spot in front of the Washington Monument that was free--something rare in DC

I love ice cream!!
The Lincoln Memorial 
Peter and Jewel in front of the reflecting pool
Entrance to the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial 

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