October 27, 2012

We are now at the Lancaster Baptist Church for its Missions Conference.  Peter and Teresa graduated from the college in recent years (see blog posts of May 2012 and May 2010).  We set up the display and went to an opening meeting with the other 21 missionaries about how things were to go in through Tuesday.  We were given a paper bag filled with recent books by Pastor Chappell and info about the Conference.  Then we were served dinner.

At 7:00 pm the service started.  This night Pastor interviewed each missionary family for about three-five minutes each.  We were the last one at 22.  While we waited to go out front (behind the platform) we could watch the monitors.  Service was over about 9:00 pm and many folks then came by the missionary tables set up around the auditorium.  Several people introduced themselves and said they knew Teresa, she was such a blessing, she was a roommate or dorm mate, what is she doing? And such like comments.  It was good to hear she has a good testimony and that she is missed here.  There were also several students we knew as children.  The first two were brother and sister and said they were missionaries in Japan in the 1990s.  I did not recognize them, so asked for a clue.  Then a second one, then a third and still could not place them.  They are the Burcham siblings and were babies when they were here.  He is now about 6’ tall and she about his shoulder height.  Of course, I didn’t recognize them!  It was good to see them, though. 

We are staying with a couple that are avid collectors of Roy Rogers memorabilia and purchased some items at an estate auction after Dale Evans died about 11 years ago.  The house is practically a museum in itself.  Rather interesting and talk about videos and DVDs!  All things Roy and westerns and the old TV programs are in their collection: Columbo, Roy’s TV show, Cheyenne, Bonanza, Ronald Reagan speeches and movies.  They have a huge Boxer dog, about 110 pounds and named Fred.  He has such sad eyes and is always trying to be a lap dog, but just the gentlest thing.  

October 20-23, California

We have been in Adlanto, CA, North and East of Los Angeles in what is called the high desert.  It is very windy out here at times.  Sunday we were at the Adlanto Baptist Church where we taught the Sunday School class and Henry preached in the morning service.   Between services lunch was served for those attending the 2:00 p.m. service.  During that time, Pastor Sipes taught a Bible study on Genesis 2 and 3 about first fruits. At this point in time, the family had been aware of sacrificial offerings for years as the sons were old enough to tend flocks and grow grain.   When Cain and Abel brought their offerings, God accepted Abel’s because it was a firstling of the flock.  Cain’s offering was the “fruit of the ground” (grains), but not the first fruits of that grain.  Cain had a wrong heart attitude about it.  Scripture states Cain was mad because God did not accept his offering, therefore he slew his brother.  It was a good exegesis of that passage. 

From Sunday evening to Wednesday we have been at Pastor’s house.  Monday,  Henry helped Pastor build a new pulpit; now it needs to be stained and it’s good to go.  Meanwhile we four females (two moms and 2 daughters)  ran errands where I was able to mail some packages.  That evening the Sipes family saw their eldest son off on another tour of duty to Afghanistan.  He leaves behind his wife and two small boys.  Please pray for him and all of our troops in harm’s way around the world.