Friday, May 7

Friday, May 7

Today was bright and sunny. And hot eventually. I mostly did some running around. First stop was Motor Vehicles where I was able to renew my license! Yes! Now I am good to go for another five years. It was also a quick trip to DMV; about 40 minutes total which was really nice.

After that I went looking for the Lens Crafters so I can get new glasses. However, I did not find it in the mall where their website said there was a store. The name did not appear on the store directory so I went looking, but still did not find it.
Alas, after I got back to the local library I accessed the internet and was able to get the phone number of the store. I called. It was in the mall, I just did not go far enough. So I made an appointment for Saturday morning.

For lunch I stopped by Panda Express where Matthew works and got lunch. It is good food. He asked if I would go over to Wendy’s where Joe works and get a frosted twistee with Oreo cookies. I may have to try that sometime.

Later in the afternoon I stopped by the church and talked to Mr. Dove for a few minutes, since I did not talk with him the night before. Then I went outside and found Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Ricucci who were watching the late-stay kids on the playground. It was good to see them. Mr. Flowers was also there; he graduated from the college the night before. He is also about 60 years old, and did not intend to take classes and graduate, but was convinced to do so.

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