Nebraska Visit

Matthew and Teresa went to Nebraska for Christmas and are staying with Peter, Jewel and little Arianna for a few days.  Arianna is starting to walk a couple of steps before falling.  She will get better  :-)  then there will be no stopping her.
Matthew and Peter giving Arianna a bath 

Mom and Arianna 

Teresa and Matt rode the bus with Arianna on the 23rd 

Arianna is 11 months 

Matthew and his third niece sitting together like with the twins in WVA 

Henry introducing Pastor Imai 

Pastor Imai preached and played the French horn 

Lunch included ham, broccoli and rolls 

Latest Grandbaby pictures

Arianna at 10 months sitting on the oven door...

Arianna getting in touch with the snow 

Look at the expressions on these two--like Dad like Daughter :-) 

Bus Visiting

Peter and Jewel took Arianna bus visiting.  She was a big help.  :-)  

Arianna sleeping 

Did she really eat that?  

Special Christmas Concert Nov. 27, 2018


Henry, Mr. White and Mr. Beal 

Aito waiting for the service to start

Brother Beal

Group shot there were 21 in service including the Hiraoka's who left before this was taken

Saeki-san is in this one 

Sunday November 11 in Kobe

Today there were 14 in church total today and it was November Birthday Sunday.  Little Yuuri turned two on the first and we celebrated with cake.  Here's a video of the event.  He wasted no time blowing out the candle.  Such a cute little guy.  :-)  💖

Recent garden photos

Latest Grandbaby Photos

Arianna about 8  months 

Twins now are "earning $$$" 

Arianna's shirt says "Daddy is Under my Spell" 

Arianna 9 month photos 

Arianna kissing herself 

Alora and Clarity have discovered dirt and they love it 

The twins now have hair!

Joe taking the daughters for a walk in the back yard

Sorry folks, still can't tell which twin is which 

More completed quilts

I made these for some of my English class ladies as Christmas gifts. This is a sampler in reds and greens.  The back, below, is a Christmas print I found on sale. 

              This one is in pinks and blues.  The back, below, is a landscape print

This one is in just reds