Peter's family

Here is Arianna on the Sunday School bus==happy time  :-)  

2019 Christmas photo of Jewel, Arianna and Peter 
Praise the Lord!  I love snow!!!

Four+ years married  

Arianna's reddish hair is soft and curly. 

Sitting pretty with Grandpa Reeves

Grandbaby update

 In November Christin took the three girls to a couple of outdoor events in Ranson, one was a parade.  The girls all loved it.  
 Above, Christin with Willow
 Alora and Clarity 

 Christin is sporting a new, short haircut.  She always looks great.  The girls make some funny faces when the camera is around  :-) 

 Joe with Christin and Christin with her sister Hannah 

Willow will be a year old in January,  

 Joe's Unit in the Army Reserves recently had a family get together where the girls got to place with some kids their ages.  

This is Arianna making faces.   She will be two years old in January.  

Fall around Kato

The church sign is facing the main drag in this part of Hyogo prefecture, 175,  It is lighted at night.

Had a special meeting with Masuda-san in November. Some  new folks came

Pastor Matsuda

A changing tree across the street from the church on the property of the Hyogo Prefecture government building

There were several huge fields of cosmos flowers in late October/November 

Many of the ponds, small lakes in the area have dried up for lack of rain.  These cranes and egrets were in abundance walking around the bottom of the pond

October Grandkids

Peter and Jewel took Arianna to the library and had a reading session.  Like father, like daughter. 

Joe and Christin toook their three gals to the pumpkin patch. 

The pumpkin tent 

Christin's new haircut and little Willow

Kato Church remodel progress

This is the kitchen area on the second floor==before picture back in September

This is the kitchen area with new tile on the wall and cabinets hung next to the window 

First floor church area behind the piano is the wall mount for a big screen to use when preaching.  It helps to show Bible verses in large letters here for us folks with less than perfect eyesight  :-)  


This past week at Westside BC, the school had Spirit Week with a different theme each day.  Here's photos of some of the teachers and Teresa on the right side.  The skeleton is part of her science class decor.  

This day was Super Hero Day I think==don't know what they are though. 

Update on grands

I think this is Clarity

Christin and Joe with Alora

Willow really enjoyed her first swing ride.  

Joe's family took a vacation in Virginia and took the girls to the beach...Willow's not so sure about this water stuff; she's used to her kiddy pool.