Friday, July 16, 2010

Freedom Trail day and also our 27th Anniversary. We boarded the Boston subway and rode to Boston Commons, 44 acres of original land from 1775 much as it was then. It is a beautiful place. We opted to take a self-guided tour instead of a guided one because I wanted to stop and get plenty of photos to peruse later. It is a 2.5 mile trail marked with red lines or a line of two red bricks winding through Boston.

We walked through Quincy Market and came upon this noodle. Spiffy, huh?

Several of the buildings we passed were from that time period. We saw the graves of Sam Adams and John Hancock and the house of Paul Revere, one of the still-standing original buildings in Boston.

 We started about 10:00 am and ended about 4:00 pm, walking and taking in everything of history. The statue of Paul Revere in front of the North Church was inspiring. We wanted to go see the USS Constitution, but you had to go through a security check like at the airports and the line was rather long and it was late in the day. Photos will have to do. 

We took a cab ride to Bunker Hill, our last stop on the Freedom Trail. Normally you could ride to the top and see the scenic view, but the monument was under renovation for a few months. It is a smaller version of the Washington Monument in DC, but was built first. I collected all sorts of info for future history lessons this fall. Sara was mostly bored after an hour, but was a real trooper and walked with us all the way.

We rode the train back to our hotel, changed and went to dinner at Bertlucci's Italian Restaurant. Tomorrow we get to take Sara to an aquarium and do something she wants to do.

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