Friday, August 6, 2010

When we landed in Hawaii, we flew over the island across beautiful green/dark blue seas. The flight itself was about 7 hours; the food was fine, the movies not so great. This big plane did not have the individual screens in the seat backs, so had to watch the big screen in the middle. Fine, except for the extra-tall man sitting in my line of vision. Hollywood does not do reality. One movie was called Date Night; I did not listen to it, but watched when I could. This couple decided to spice up their boring marriage and somehow get mistaken for another couple wanted by the mob or somebody. Anyway, one scene, they were driving at night in the streets of NYC and somehow attached themselves to the front of a taxi and drove at high speed through Manhattan. #1—no cops anywhere to be found. They wrecked several cars in passing and weaving in and out. #2 At one point I noticed no seat belts in use. #3 This couple gets hit broadside by a SUV and it does NOT hurt them—no scratches, bruises, cuts, nada. They wreck several police cars trying to stop them. After our seemingly minor rear-ended accident, this entire scene was outrageous. It did not appear they even had sore muscles at the end of the ordeal. 

Approaching Honolulu Airport


 The remainder of the flight was actually on Thursday, USA time, from Hawaii to Japan when we landed on Friday about 4:30 p.m. There was very little turbulence, mostly clear skies all the way and a smooth landing. The Wakimasu's got us at the airport and we drove back to the house amid some wondrous clouds that appeared to be stormy, but we did not see any rain. It has been dry around here.
Twilight in Kobe

When we got home, I noticed and expected the flower beds and yards to need some work. They do. Something has destroyed a bunch of my iris—rotted them; the leaves are all dried and none coming out of the chorme. I will have to find out what happened after I get to that section. He grass is tall; the weeds are taller and it will take some effort to get the yard looking nice again for the fall planting. August is not the time to do yard work, but it will need to be done.

We will also need to pass out a few thousand brochures in the area that have not been done yet; they are stacked in front of Henry's desk.

It is good to be back, but somehow anti-climatic. I would be dishonest to say I would rather be here than the USA where my kids are. Teresa flies into Maryland on Saturday to spend about 18 days there with the brothers and home church. The church people here are wonderful. It needs to grow with more young people and kids and complete families. Through it all, we know that we are where God wants us and we will stay until He says we can go.

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