Sunday, August 1, 2010

This morning the bruising is starting to creep to my right eyebrow. I could cover some of it with face powder and my hair, but it will have to go as is.

It is Missions Emphasis Sunday at IBC today. Two missionaries are in the service. The Bunnells served in Russia for a few years and now have a ministry in London, reaching the Muslims in one part of that city. He said they were given three buildings to "revive" the area and they will set up a church and outreach area from there. 

He said recently while in London on a Sunday he went to a place in Hyde Park called Speakers Corner where probably 30 people just talked about anything they wanted. One guy was dressed in pink and said that if everyone would wear pink it would be a better world…one of the crazies. Another large group was two guys shouting at each other. One, a supposed Christian, was yelling vile things at a Muslim and he doing the same in return.

As Mr. Bunnell listened to this, a Muslim came up to him and engaged him in conversation. The man ended up saying something about the Muslims taking over London and then doing the same in the USA. Well, the Holy Spirit spoke to Mr. Bunnell to calm down and tell this man about the gospel. So for the next hour he quietly talked to the man and he was really interested in what was said because he had never heard that before. Mr. Bunnell had to catch a plane, so could not go further, but believes this Muslim will get saved.   Mr. Bunnell has reached several former Muslims who are now ministering to their own people in the Arab world and in Europe. Muslims can be reached and converted.

The Larsons are with Reseeding America, a church planting group with our mission board. He showed a DVD about the SW USA and the need for churches among ethnic groups that are in large numbers around the bigger cities. Some men have started churches and are reaching a diverse group of people including Cambodians, Mong, Philippino, Vietnamese and many others. They truly have an international church in the USA. We gave Peter's email address to Mr. Larson since Peter wants to start a church sometime in the not-too-distant future.  

I took photos of Sara, Anna Gill and Anna Long, who are all MKs and born within three weeks of each other.  Sara has enjoyed these new friends. 
Also took another family photo, but with out me in the picture for obvious reasons.  
Tonight my face has swollen up with bruising around both eyes. I look like a raccoon now with the left eye sorta reddish and the right one black and blue. Time for some heat therapy to disperse the blood. It looks worse than it is, really.

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