Friday, October 1, 2010

Peter seems to have secured a job in Vienna, Virginia, in the area of building maintenance, i.e., cleaning, which is similar to what he was doing at college.  It is a long commute from Clinton by either car (a pain in Northern Virginia traffic any time of the day) or via the Metro bus/subway.  Praise the Lord for answering this prayer rather quickly.

We learned Matthew's old Bonneville dropped an axle and is in need of repair.  He bought parts so hopefully he can get it fixed this week.  Trying times for #2, but also character building lessons.  Sometimes it is difficult to sit back and watch your kids go through testings.  However, God is good, all the time.

There were four new people in Wednesday night's service!  It was great to have our visitors, a very unusual happening.

1 comment:

ozjane said...

Evening weddings are wonderful and apart from mine which began at 7pm I have not been to another. The breakfast was a buffet supper so people could have something to eat before coming to the service, so they were not starving by the time we began to eat. I might add the photographer wasted and hour and lost the film.
But it was Jan20th and should have could have,been a hot summer day, instead it poured until about an hour after the service.
We had 80 in a home where there was a huge room for such gatherings and my friend and I catered for it ourselves. My Mother condescended to make my hat and behave on the day for which I was so thankful. It was a lovely example of God's provision when your family let you down.