Sunday, January 30, 2010

This past week Sara and I have had a doozy of a cold starting off with a cough, then a fever, then the general achy feeling.  I think it has gone to the chest.  I've slept for three days mostly, something that is not normal.  The cough now sounds more like a hoarse horse.  We are on the mends.  The upside is I have lost one kilogram!  I've been stuck since November and could not get over this hump until last week.  This is good news.

On the 7th we are to fly to Okinawa for 10 days to help a fellow missionary do some work at his camp.  It will be much warmer down there.  Currently it is -4C where we are; Okinawa is about 25.  I may actually enjoy going to the beach if given the opportunity.  Now, what to pack?

This week we will be passing out over 4,000 flyers for a special meeting on the 6th.  We have a Japanese missionary coming who serves in China.  He will preach in the morning, then we will have lunch and then an afternoon service where he will show his presentation.  Please pray some new people come. 

There were just 10 in the service this morning as several people were out with illness.  

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