Friday, February 11, 2011

Dan and Henry left for camp about 8:40 a.m.    
It was actually cold in Okinawa today.  It had rained hard overnight and was overcast all day; the temperature was in the lower 50's.  I needed my jacket and mittens when I took a walk around the neighborhood.  The wind was blowing hard sometimes, so that made it seem much colder.  I saw people with heavy winter coats and hats.  When the sun does not shine down here, it is really cold.  Anyway, not like Tokyo or Washington, DC, but cold for the tropics.  

Terri came over about 11:00 and we worked on things for Sunday. 

After Henry and Dan came back, we went to a local restaurant located on a new golf course where we had an early Valentine's dinner.  The men had steak, Terri and I had the fish platter, and Sara ate chicken fingers and fries.  It was a lot of food.  Delicious.

When we got back to church, we were having something hot to drink and Sara wanted to play the Chocolaopoly Game.  It is similar to Monopoly only everything is chocolate related.  Fun facts to know and tell about chocolate:
What is the holiday that has the most chocolate sales?  

We finished about nine and left the game up in case we get a chance to play again before Sunday.  

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