Friday, February 18, 2011

It was nice to sleep in a quiet neighborhood--no music blaring or extremely loud motorcycles at 4:00 a.m.   The Gardners live in a quiet neighborhood except for the military plane overhead sometimes, but none late at night.

We got up a little later than usual, had breakfast and then went out to China Pete's to exchange Sara's cup.  The lady refunded her money and was happy to do it.  We then walked to the Christian book store to find something else for Grandpa.  Sara took her time deciding but finally picked a small wood cross that would stand on a desk, and a couple of other small items.  She insisted on paying for these herself and conducting the transaction with the cashier.  She is learning.  

The guys came back after 4:00 p.m. and we got ready to go to another church tonight.  Dan drove us over to the Stearns home where we met the family and had a very simple, delicious dinner.  About 6:45 we went over to the church.  Henry played the piano for the service to give Mrs. Stearns a break.  I think there were about 13-15 in church.  Henry preached as well.  After service, Pastor drove us back to the church.  

Tomorrow we will go to camp for the day. 

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