Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This morning we mozied over to the church to get our new prayer cards and we talked with some folks while there.   Then we went down to the bank to make a deposit and the on to the voting precinct.  I told the lady that checked my registration that it was the first time in 20 years I had voted in person, explaining we are missionaries in Japan.  She praised the Lord and was appreciative of our service.  Then I voted on the electronic machines.  It was a good feeling to have performed a civic duty.

Later in the day I went with Mary so she could vote at a different precinct.  There were few people voting there also.  While Mary voted, I talked with the man who was the greeter, a really nice older gentleman.  I mentioned that we’ve come a long way from paper ballots and he agreed.  The electronic machines could easily be programmed to record something different that voters intended.  Mary came over and we found out he was a member of the AME church and has great grandchildren.  He commented on my nearly white hair or “crown of glory.”  We invited him to our church’s Easter drama this Saturday and he was interested in going.  

While we were out Anna Gill called and asked if she and Sara could go with Peter and Joe to get ice cream from Miller’s Farm.  After we call got back to the house, Mary made some pasta and meatballs.  Matthew came over after work and we all ate and talked.  Hugs all around.  Joe said he had found a car to buy, so Henry drove him over to the place and they put a deposit on it.  Joe was going to get a loan from the credit union for the balance.  It is a 2000 Volvo with under 100,000 miles and total cost will be $6100.  Good deal.

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