Passing typhoon

Over the weekend a very slow-moving typhoon passed by Japan on the Pacific side.  There was lots of wind and heavy rain, but it was not a direct hit on Kobe.  Okinawa on the other hand, was hit yet again this year.  Anyway, Sunday, September 30,  I took these photos of the yard and all that water. 

 Looking out our front door, this is our vege garden and steps to the back deck.  Those cosmos plants were taller than me and all fell over.  I was hoping to get seed from them, but ended pulling most of them up early and reworking the soil for next year.
 The little creek at the back of the property, swollen with water.   The land on the right is farmed by another person.
 By our monooki (shed) is a small space which will become a blackberry area, now flooded a bit.  New plants are in small black pots waiting for me to put up a frame they can grow on.  Columbine on the left and blueberry next to it are also seen here.
 This is a most frustrating place.  This was taken outside our church sliding door on the east-south-east side of the building.  This used to be a turtle pond, but was changed into a flower bed.  Whenever it rains heavily, water flows from the upper field on the left and settles in this area.  I had just added more dirt to this bed and rearranged the grass there.  Not sure what to do about this flooding, but it does not happen that often. 
 This is the driveway area.  Notice the water running down the slope.  The lower field is not ours and lots of sand and gravel end up there. The three little ducks I bought the day before and one already fell over   :-(
 Another shot of the creek out back.  Those are fruit trees Matthew planted during our construction period, plus a few day lillies. 

1 comment:

Ozjane said...

lovely to see parts of your garden.
I would enjoy a creek but HC is very flat.
I love these prove you are not a robot tools......I usually fail and I did the first time