February update 2013

Here in Kobe there have been more snow days than usual.  However, typically, just a dusting which is melted within an hour of the sun coming out.
Sometime between breakfast and lunch on the 13th hundreds of baby mantis emerged from their cocoons.  I had found two last fall and put them in a small jar in the kitchen window, thinking they would hatch in April like the butterfly did last year or the year before.  It must have been warm enough inside with our heater going 24/7  so they came out two months early.   It is difficult to see, but you can get the idea, I hope.

Aren't they so cute!  They look just like their mom.  :-)   Since we could not keep them inside we placed them under one of the bushes and covered them with cut leaves/branches.  I suspect most will die in the cold and for lack of sufficient bugs to eat.  Next fall we shall not collect these little sacs and keep them inside.

Sara had her first babysitting job for friends of ours in Akashi.  They went out for a couple of hours without their two little ones--a new experience--remember those days?  Little Karen is so adorable and looks just like big brother.  She is generally a happy kid.
 That is the update until mid-February.  More news to come.  Thanks for reading.

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