May Iris

Lavender and purple iris are blooming in abundance here in May.  As is custom, each of the mother's that came to Sunday services received one along with a gift.  This year I made covered notebooks for everyone using all sorts of fabrics from my stash.



This is the newest composter we found at Costco.  It rotates on ball bearings and is supposed to turn yard waste and such into rich soil in about six weeks.  You turn it once a day.  It looks either like a huge bowling ball or a bomb, not sure which.  Maybe with the tree trunk from below poking out like a fuse, it is more like the latter.  :-)

2 comments: said...

love those Iris ...I have just at 11pm been out filling blue bowls with 12 white bokasa tulips in one..5 white and 5 soft peach to Apricot hyacinths in another huge blue bowl and 2 x 5 double daffodils in the medium size bowl. crazy woman to do things that late at night. Kept dodging to keep sensor lights on and used rubbish bin tops to save me bending. Still have tulips and daffodils too plant. LOL said...

Since I last saw this I have been given about 4 named Iris. I am so thrilled as I love them. They are so expensive and a friend divided hers. I had moved a top grafted Japanese maple which had grown out in the way so there was a perfect space, Not sure about the 32 punnets of mainly pansies I bought yesterday. Primulas and sweet peas and lettuce also.. And 4 lobelia.