Blizzard!! of sorts...

We woke up to snow coming down here in North Kobe, Sat. February 8.  Winters here in this part of Japan are generally mild with more rain than snow.  When it does snow, we get a dusting that is usually gone by noon.

Today, however, was just the second or third time in 23 years here that we have over 5 inches of snow, and as of 11:00 a.m. it is still coming down.

 The birds have not visited the feeder as regularly as yesterday when there was no snow.
 It's a good thing we have stocked up on kerosene for the heaters and have food in the fridge.  I imagine most of the area is shut-down because of this rare example of too much carbon emissions.  As we all know from third-grade science, without carbon dioxide, life would not exist.
The forecast is for snow most of the day, so we shall see what happens on Sunday morning.  Last time it snowed  like this in January, some people could not make it to church.

About 3:00 pm we went out and shoveled the driveway.  About 5 inches were measured. In the process, it was snowman time so Henry and I made the big one complete with arms, hat and scarf, and I did the seven little ones.   (you can see the rock eyes and the bush arms)  We need another adult in there.