Two male pheasants out my window

This morning (2/17/15) Sara and I heard the distinctive honk of a male kiji, or Japanese pheasant.  A brood of females, which we rarely see, and the males, are residents in our little valley.  The huge colorful bird was on the hill outside the kitchen window and walking down toward the field.  My camera was charging upstairs so I went and got it.  
 When I got back to the kitchen there was a bird standing not 20 feet from our house, pretty as you please. 

Then I noticed on the hill another male that was lying down among the tall grass.  At first I thought it was a rock, but it was a second male.  It looked like the one originally walking down the hill. 

The standing one came from someplace and just stood there for at least 10 minutes.  It must be an older male as the red skin on its face is much more pronounced than the male on the hill.  Also it looks to be a bit plumper when puffing out its chest.  Such beautiful red, blue, green and browns all on one bird. 

How's that for a profile??

The one on the hill has less red skin around its face.  He stayed another 10 minutes after his buddy left. This must be the one from the previous post about Kiji 2015. 

This was the larger male that was standing in the field.  I opened the back door and he made a getaway.  They run rather swiftly when they want to. 

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