The Proposal

Peter called us a few weeks ago and said he was going to propose to his girlfriend Jewel.  He wanted to do it in the Capitol Rotunda during Capitol Connection (a ministry of our home church where pastors meet with their representatives on the Hill).  This is where they met a year ago.   Jewel sent me this video, filmed by her Dad (you can her him in the background).  Turn your sound up a bit and you can hear what they said.

Christin, Joe's wife, was there (you can spot her behind Peter acting as if she doesn't know what's going on at about .15 mark, just after someone walks in front of the camera).   She sent me this photo: 

Jewel sent these two:  The Ring

Waiting to hear of the date and we'll make plans to go.  Please pray for all of us.   Congratulations Peter and Jewel!

1 comment:

Ozjane said...

Congratulations to all