July 10,2015 Travel across Wyoming to South Dakota

We entered Cheyenne, Wyoming, about 10:00 a.m. 
Several hills had metal silhouettes that looked like a real person or animal. 
Miles and endless miles of wide open spaces and plenty of cows.
We stopped in Lusk, Wyoming, and found the Lickety Split Quilt Shop just beyond the lamp post.  I purchased a Row by Row pattern and license plate here.  Hopefully I'll be able to collect at least one from participating quilt shops in each state.   Check it out here:  http://www.rowbyrowexperience.com
This big palomino posed for his photo. :-) 

There's a flag-colored buffalo at the corner of this building. 
Flags were everywhere--such a beautiful sight to see. 

    Some campers had painted pictures on the back of them.

This ice cream shop is in Custer, Wyoming, but we didn't stop.

Mr. Rushmore seen from below at the entrance to the park.  An avenue of flags lined the walk approaching the looking point.  This is an amazing sculpture that took 13 years to do and thousands of man hours.

Henry and I at the entrance. 

A bust of the man who designed Mt. Rushmore, Gutzon Borglum
Tourist traps--:-)

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