May 12 Peter's Birthday - Saturday May 13

Happy 30th birthday, Peter!!

After our visit we drove to Spartanburg to stay with Stephen, but he was not home when we arrived.  We decided to get a snack and tried to call him, but no answer until about 7:00 pm when he got home.   He told us that he had to have the foundation corners reinforced and that the joists under the house were bowed.  The house is over 50 years old and he did have it inspected before he bought it.  It’s just costing him some money to maintain it. 

Saturday, May 13

We left Stephen about 9:00 am and started toward Mannington, WV, for our next meeting.   The drive through North Carolina had lots and lots of road work being done, mostly on the median.  I guess infrastructure is in need of fixing.  NC highways were very clean and neat and some spots had beautiful wildflowers in the median or under/near overpasses.  Pretty.  Virginia looked well-kept also, but there were also spots of construction going on also.  West Virginia is rolling hills and plenty of greenery.  I was wondering what’s all the fuss about carbon emissions when there are so many millions of trees and mountains that can absorb this supposed “bad” gas.  Anyway, it was a beautiful drive and we arrived about  5:30 pm at the hotel.

A small business

The roads were carved from these rock mountains...

We called Pastor Bowman and they came over from Mannington and took us to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant, which we have been to before.  They are regular customers as the wait staff called them by name.  The food was delicious as always.  I had veal parmesan, which I have not had in years.  Excellent. 

We were taken back to the hotel and then headed for bed.  

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