The Kato Church update

The covid-19 virus put a halt to church in March/April.  Up till that time,  several people came to the services. After that, through the end of June, it was mostly Mr. Fukumoto, Henry and I in services.  We broadcast live stream on the internet and a few people would "attend" church that way.  It was just not the same, as everyone knows.  The building owner came to service on Mother's Day, the only person besides us.  He and his wife have returned a few times since then.  

A Japanese-Brazilian couple started coming to church about the end of February, early March.  They both work in companies near the church. 
We started having limited access services in May and they brought several of their friends.  There was a good crowd on Father's Day and a high attendance of 20 on June 28th; with five children coming with their parents.   It has been good to see people coming again. 

Below are the pictures:  Mother's Day, Father's Day and the gift of drinking cups we gave them, and June 28th.  

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