We found a new (to us) place to live in Ono City.

We have located a house to rent in Ono City, about 15 minutes from the new church in Kato City.  The owner said we could make improvements up to a certain amount and he gave us the money with which to do that.  We told him we could probably move in December, so next month will be spent making changes.  It has a tatami room, large room for our bedroom and my sewing area, plus a kitchen, bath, toilet and a room upstairs.    The owner is only charging 30,000 yen a month or about $300.  :-)  

This is the main room on the first floor and the largest room in the house I think.  

This is the tatami room at one end just inside the main entrance to the right and not in the picture.  This room does not need any renovation.

The kitchen will be completely redone probably.  A new sink and cabinets are needed as well as cabinets, plus we will probably replace the wood flooring with tile.

The ofuro/bath room will be completely redone as it is really old and small now.    More pictures coming as we progress with the renovation.  


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