Early winter in Ono

  The Emperor Dahlia is in the yard next to your house.  We had this back in Kita Kobe
Our house decorated for Christmas.  There are blue and white flashing lights around the doors and gutters.  

             The AC unit there has many solar toys and other things on it.  The school children that pass by daily always rearrange them for me   :-)    Snoopy flag is a favorite of mine.  
Woke up to snow this morning 12/18/21---a surprise here in Ono.  It will melt once the sun hits it.   

                                                         My snowy flowerbed wall.   

Latest Quilts 2021

This is the back  of the quilt below, made of miscellaneous Christmas prints and blocks   

 The front of this quilt is pink and purple strips, favorite colors of a friend.   This is #383 in my quilt catalogue.   

I made two of this Christmas star quilt for two ladies that attend church here in Kato

This quilt is for the owner of our building who has come to church nearly every Sunday for over two years.  It is a disappearing nine-patch pattern;  the edging is from a bedsheet.  
My Neighborhood quilt is for a near neighbor here in Ono who also attends church.  She recently accepted Christ as her Savior.    Below is the crazy-patch backing which I do for many of my quilts.  It is made up of scraps with no particular design in mind.   :-)  

These are embroidered hats, boots and flowers that were given to me some years ago, but I forget who it was that gifted me.   This quilt will be for me   :-)   
Another crazy patch backing for the hats and boots quilt.  

Grandbabies in the Fall 2021

                                                            One of the twins at an Animal Farm 
 Peter and Elorie 

All dressed up for the Harvest Festival 

Isn't she cute!?!?!
Peter's van decorated for fall festival where they had pumpkins, a hayride and lots of food

Elorie on a tricycle.   Mom was near     :-)  

                                       Alora and Clarity feeding baby goats at the Animal Farm

                                                                                Alora      October 2021 
                                                            Pirate Clarity 
                                                                Willow, Clarity, Alora 



The flowering bush is called suino--the flowers bloom daily, white in the morning and change to pink by afternoon and last just a day 

Abundant rice fields in Ono City--mostly large rectangular shaped fields, so much bigger than in Hatacho where terraced farming is common and fields are much smaller. 

The egrets like the rice fields, so do all the birds.  :-)   

Latest quilts September 2021


                                                                      for a new baby girl 
                                                                Little girl baby quilt 

Blue Scrappy quilt, about queen size 

                                            Blue pinwheels also about queen size.  These are numbers 372, 373, 374, 375 in my catalog of quilts I've made over the years.  

New concrete area

Late October  2021   
            Henry knocked out a portion of the rock wall outside our back door a few months ago.  He started to put concrete on it, but it was too big a job.   He contacted the brother-in-law of our owner.  He does this type of work--remodeling, repair.  He arranged to have a cement truck come and pour the concrete in the area.
        View from the parking lot where they are working on smoothing out the area before pouring the concrete.  

                                The smooth finish makes it so nice behind the house.  Henry will repair the rock wall little-by-little, after which I will plant some flowers in it.  

Birthday girls


Mermaid  and Pirate birthday theme

The twins turned 4 and had some friends over for a party 

Christin did all the decorations including the cakes 



Summer Grands

 What better way to cool off in your swimming pool than with bubbles!   You get clean in the process, also.   :-)  

Elorie is four months and showing her personality...so cute! 

Big sister Arianna 3 1/2, and baby sister.    

Birds around Ono

  June is rice planting season here and whenever a farmer is plowing a field, there are always, always birds following the tractor looking for good eats.  We passed this one field and I have never seen so many egrets in one place.  Some were in breeding plumage with the brown head and chest (first time to see this bird)  

 I think this is a mountain hawk that flies over our house frequently making its noise that sounds almost like a whistle.  Rather elegant bird, and I found one of its feathers last week--beautiful 

This was a sunrise about 4:45 a.m. one morning.  So pretty; I am not usually up at this time, but did hear some of the birds wake up   :-)