Mrs. Akamatsu's funeral

 Mrs. Akamatsu was a member of our first church, Inochi no Pan Baptist Church, since 1998.  She went to heaven on April 6th at the age of 95.  She had been in a nursing home near her house for at least eight years and was not able to walk and became very thin.  We had a memorial service for her on Wednesday, 4/7, at INPBC where people who knew her gave a short testimony .  She was a very kind person and talented in the way of art and cooking.  She and her husband were "grandparents" to our children since they did not have living ones.    Here are a few photos from that service and the simple funeral the next day.  

Mr. and Mrs. Akamatsu about 2003

with Mrs. Matsuda at the nursing home about 2012 

Mother's Day at Inochi no Pan several years ago. Mrs. Akamatsu on left and Mrs. Miura and Mrs.Tsujigami on either side of me and the younger Mrs. Miura second from right.

                                                Noseh-san played the piano 
                             Henry preached the sermon.  He said that when Mrs. Akamatsu closed her eyes in death she immediately went to heaven where she would say "tadaima" (I'm home in Japanese) and Jesus would say "okaeri" (welcome home in Japanese).

      Japanese tradition is for attendees to place cut flowers from the displays in the coffin


.        Loading the casket in the van to go to the crematorium.   Mrs. Akamatsu will be missed.

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