Trip to and Arrival in Tokyo May 21, 2021

On the jumbo airplane from Chicago there were less than 50 people on board including the crew.   It's a wonder the airlines are still in business. 

Social distancing walking through the l o n g  process through customs at Haneda Airport.  Took about two hours to get through the various stages.  

One of the children's toilets in the airport.   The rest are in two different ladies' rooms.  Really nice facilities.  :-)  

We got through customs and immigration about 4:30 p.m. and drove from Tokyo to our home in Ono City in about 6-7 hours.   Along the way we had to stop for gas and discovered a front tire had a bubble, so we got two new front tires and a new battery at the gas station.  Then we drove some more and got to Ono about 3:30 a.m., very tired and worn out.    Good to be home.   :-)   


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